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WARNING: Vaping products contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical.   - Health Canada

AVERTISSEMENT : Les produits de vapotage contiennent de la nicotine. La nicotine crée une forte dépendance.   - Santé Canada

NOTICE: This website indicates the pricing of FEDERAL EXCISE TAX products. Pricing in-store at our ONTARIO locations will differ due to new regulated ONTARIO EXCISE TAX. Please visit in-store for more details.
NOTICE: FEDERAL STAMP SALE - As our inventory levels decrease on our Federal Stamped products, prices may return to it's original MSRP. Please continue to enjoy the sale on our overstocked products which will indicate a sale price.

WARNING: Vaping products contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical.   - Health Canada

AVERTISSEMENT : Les produits de vapotage contiennent de la nicotine. La nicotine crée une forte dépendance.   - Santé Canada

NOTICE: This website indicates the pricing of FEDERAL EXCISE TAX products. Pricing in-store at our ONTARIO locations will differ due to new regulated ONTARIO EXCISE TAX. Please visit in-store for more details.
NOTICE: FEDERAL STAMP SALE - As our inventory levels decrease on our Federal Stamped products, prices may return to it's original MSRP. Please continue to enjoy the sale on our overstocked products which will indicate a sale price.

Store Closures & Curbside Delivery

To our valued customers of Fat Panda,

As of April 1, 2020 our Manitoba Stores will be closed to the public as ordered by the Province of Manitoba under the Public Health Act.

We will be accepting phone orders at our locations during operating business hours for curbside pickup outside the store.

Please visit this page regularly for any updates on changes of operating hours & store closures.

As of April 4, 2020, the current operating hours of our Manitoba locations are: 

883 Notre Dame Ave. (Unit 101) / Monday - Friday: 11am-7pm / 204-772-0102

759 Pembina Hwy. (Unit 2) / Monday - Friday: 11am-7pm / 204-416-3287

1600 Regent Ave. West (Unit 14) / Monday- Friday: 11am-7pm / 204-221-3244

1600 Ness Ave. (Unit K) / Monday - Friday: 11am-7pm, Saturday: 10am-6pm, Sunday: 12pm-6pm / 204-505-0085

1830 Main St. / Monday - Friday: 11am-7pm / 204-421-3321

877 Henderson Hwy. / Monday - Friday: 11am-7pm / 204-615-8273

2-233 Regent Ave W. / Closed until further notice, please visit 1600 Regent Ave. W.

60 Paramount Rd. / Monday - Friday: 9am-5pm / 204-694-9479

1727 Kenaston Blvd. (Unit 2) / Monday - Friday: 11am-7pm / 204-219-2930

980 St. Anne's Rd. (Unit 8) / Monday - Friday: 11am-7pm / 204-257-1250

3737 Portage Ave. (Unit A) / Monday - Friday: 10am-9pm, Saturday: 10am-6pm, Sunday: 12pm-6pm / 204-691-9588

(Portage la Prairie) 50 24th St. NW (Unit C) / Monday - Friday: 11am-7pm, Saturday: 11am-5pm / 204-856-1028

(Brandon) 601 18th St. (Unit 3) / Monday - Friday: 10am-8pm, Saturday: 10am-6pm, Sunday: 12pm-6pm / 204-717-9555

(Selkirk) 239 Manitoba Ave. / Monday - Friday: 10am-6pm / 204-785-9816

(Gimli) 40 Centre St. / Tuesday - Friday: 11am-6pm / 204-642-1336

(Dauphin) 210 Main St. N / Tuesday - Friday: 11am-6pm, Saturday: 12pm-5pm / 204-701-8273

Our Sales Associate will provide you with more information as to taking payment & fulfilling your order.  You will receive a phone call when your order is ready.

Our staff will be following strict protocols such as wearing of protective equipment and constant washing of hands/sanitizing after each customer.

Online orders at are not affected and will continue to ship through Canada Post.

Please be prepared to show ID as we may ask to verify your age.

We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause.  Please continue to follow social distancing guidelines and most importantly stay safe and healthy. 

Fat Panda



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